Our Tarran & Co. Corporate Financial Planning service offers comprehensive and innovative financial planning services to business owners, self-employed and entrepreneurs. We understand that owning a business and running a business is challenging. There are multiple commitments requiring your time and many financial decisions to make, which demand your careful attention.

Our expertise in corporate financial planning can help you to:

  • Create and manage a structured financial plan for your business.

  • Protect your business against the unexpected happening to key people in your firm.

  • Structure and manage a group pension scheme which suits you and your employee’s needs, in a tax-efficient way.

  • Create a cost-effective employee benefits package to help you attract and retain the best people.

  • Consider your succession planning and exit strategy for the future.


Our corporate financial planning services are designed to support you in building a thriving business. We have the knowledge and experience to help you ensure that you, your family, your business, and your employees are all considered within your financial plans.


Have you considered what would happen to your business if you, or other key members of your team unexpectedly became ill or died? We advise on a range of protection options that are designed to protect your business and your employees if the worst happens, these include:

  • Relevant Life

  • Key Person Insurance

  • Shareholder & Partnership Protection

  • Executive Income Protection

  • Group Critical Illness

  • Group Life

  • Group Income Protection


We will help to ensure that you are fully aware of the duties you have as an employer when it comes to pensions and auto enrolment. We research the market for you and advise on the most appropriate pension scheme and investment solutions for you and your employees.

We can advise you on:

  • Group Personal Pensions

  • Group Stakeholder



When your business is doing well, deciding what to do with your excess cash can be a nice problem to have. Advising holistically means that we will get to know you and your business well, so can help you to invest this money wisely and efficiently in line with your short, medium, and long-term goals.

We will help you to understand the types of investments that might be suitable for you and your company and the risks involved. The value of the investments you hold can go down as well as up and you may get back less than you invested.


Do you own, or want to own your business premises? We offer specialised expert advice on holding the property within a SIPP (self-invested personal pension). There are a range of tax advantages of doing it this way and it can also be a useful tool in helping with your estate planning.


As part of our corporate planning services, we can help you to fully consider and assess the succession plans for your business. Considering this now means that you can focus on supporting the long-term survival of your business, as well as preserving the wealth that you have worked so hard to build.

Whatever your future plans are and your ultimate goal for the business, robust succession planning can help you to:

  • Drive growth in you business

  • Ensure tax efficiency

  • Support your retirement plans

  • Bring together family, co-owners and colleagues with a shared vision

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